• Join us for a joyful Easter Egg Hunt & Breakfast, where you can enjoy a delicious meal and search for colorful eggs with family and friends. Meet the Easter Bunny, take photos, and make wonderful memories together.

  • On Easter Sunday, we will celebrate the joy of the Resurrection and the hope of new life. Come as you are and rejoice in the promise of Easter with us!

  • Celebrate Palm Sunday with a palm processional at 10 AM worship and at 5 PM interactive activities at Messy Church as we remember Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. 

  • On Maundy Thursday, join us for a potluck meal at 5:30 PM, followed by a meaningful service of communion & prayer stations at 6:30 PM as we reflect on the Last Supper. This is a time to remember Jesus’ command to love and serve.

  • During our Good Friday Service, we will gather to reflect on the suffering and sacrifice of Christ on the cross. This solemn service with chroal music, hymns, and Tenebrae (extinguishing candle) invites us to remember the depth of God’s love.